May 6Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Brilliant. Recommended and sharing however I can. Great work Niccolò.

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Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Instead of "bimonthly," may I suggest "fortnightly"? That means "once every two weeks," which is pretty close to the same thing.

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I like that, plus it sounds more epic

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Except to childish people like me who know what it means, but still swear it sounds like a writer with an intestinal gas problem.

...just sayn'.

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Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Very cool! Thanks for pushing the boulder up the hill!

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they call me Sisyphus haha

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Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Awesome!! Love the #MinimumRequirement!

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Thanks Jack :)

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May 7Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Dudes let’s not let this be another forgotten thread, organized by someone else, enjoyed at our whim but ignored for the most part. If we want new realities we need to breathe life into them!

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Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Hello! Good idea, thanks for this! Can it be a chapter I already posted on Substack? I have two I’d love to include !🙏❤️

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Yes absolutely, I’m face I’m only accepting links to pre-existing content :)

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Hello! Quick question. Does it have to be a finished work, or can it be a chapter from something new?

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Either is fine!

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May 7Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Yeah, Fiction is very loosely defined by Substack at the moment apparently. Here's hoping this works. Well done Niccolo!

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Can't wait to read the first blast. Thank you on behalf of everyone for putting in the effort to organise this. (Yes, I know I used the British spelling. I'm an Aussie. Sue me!)

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I've tossed my hat in this ring with some of my work already, but I'm going to go ahead and toss it in again just to ensure another comment for a little extra engagement. Linked below is the index page to my second (but first somewhat successful) serial, In the Giant's Shadow:


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Apr 26Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

I probably will only submit until I have a few more fiction up. Until then I will just lurk and engage those that catch my interest

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Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Now I need to figure out how to do this if most of my work is behind a pay wall...hmmmm.

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make some stuff free man, you can't paywall everything! audience building first, then monetization :)

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Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

But my conversion rate is 11% from free to paid...and I only paywall the chapters at the end of the week.

This is about stories, but I post a chunk of each chapter free to give a good solid taste.

I'll have to think this through.

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that's an incredible conversion rate, please teach me.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

I have not succeeded in following anyone else's "way"...so it's simple:

1) Do what you love. Create what you love. Be who...you...are...Consistently.

2) Set your entry level pricing -- I started https://www.LifeOfFiction.com with a solid $7/mo or $77/year

3) Create value to make the paid subscription worth it.

4) Consistency....I'm on week 45m publishing 5 days a week. My goal is 24 months, then I'll readjust.

5) Trim your list of anyone without a single 'star' each 30-45 days. The stats might not be perfect, but no opens after 45 days means they are NOT your audience. You don't want emails, you want engaged READERS.

6) Engage and develop relationships with your readers daily. Spend the time, be personal. I live in comments (see here?)...but I also do personal videos every Monday (as you know). Just make it personal -- you are a truly EXCEPTIONAL writer, my friend. You get my attention.

7) Remember that $$$ is the natural byproduct of genuinely loving and serving your readers. Get ADDICTED to creating for them!

8) Repeat steps 1-7

It grows. Slowly. Sometimes fast. Doesn't really matter...it's about "planting seeds"....see: https://www.lifeoffiction.com/p/s2-e28-sell-books-besides-amazon?r=1v5612&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

That's about it. It's all I do.

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love that, thanks for sharing. So cool to hear your approach and to see the success you've had with it. Something I think about a lot is that if you're not being who you are and doing what you love, you likely won't have the gas in the tank to keep going for a meaningful amount of time. That's what I believe, anyway.

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I think this is also important to state, and that is...I don't have a huge audience. Not yet. Especially since I constantly cut out non readers.

What I do have is an engaged community, which not only makes the difference, you can make more money with less peyote, because those wonderful readers care for you...

I needed some supplies. Drawing, pens, some electronics... and I let that out in a comment.

The community told me to pay a link to an Amazon list of what I needed, so I did.

My readers got me what I needed before the week was out...

I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS A THING!! My community makes my cry, they are so wonderful...

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I don't care if this works or not–your motivations are pure and thus: I'm Jack Everly and I wholeheartedly support this message.

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Thanks for the tips!

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Maybe the first chapter of books.

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Apr 25Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Well I'm glad I got back online to catch this! If fiction is what you want, I'd love to get Life if Fiction involved...especially to promote good stories!!

Are we building a community of "our people"?!

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Question: do submissions have to be stand-alone stories or can we submit a chapter from a serial?

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Serials are more than welcome! I would recommend starting with the first chapter :)

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About that, I've started a Page where I'm putting each new part of my serialized story. Since I just started, would you be okay with the page being submitted or you just want one post? Thanks!

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The anticipation is relentless! When does the fortnight come to pass for the release of this award-winning piece of fiction!?

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...I haven't met you at the company picnics, so I'm assuming you're freelance.

Either way, that threat is cute.

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i tried to think of a response for 5 solid minutes but I was too confused. I think everything went over my head, I'm sorry

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hehe....I have that effect on the living.

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do you do contract work? someone's gotta carry out my threat...

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Actually, yes.

ALL my work is under contract.

Now your threat,...this might work out for BOTH of us. Being the marketing director for BuyImmortality.com, I require souls to refurbish. It's sad to say, but political souls are almost beyond scrubbing now...so a little side work just might be the thing.

Let me have a chat with my hirelings and upper management.

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I was made aware of this substack by a dear friend over at Life of Fiction.

However, I'm not sure this would work for myself, seeing that I AM fiction, well...my very presence might break something.

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like the 4th wall? ;)

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Best not to tempt him. Trust me on this...

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4th, 9th...and we can go higher, depending on the drugs involved.

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