
Some amazing pieces this round! Really enjoyed reading these. Love this fiction community!

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

Thank you for including me in this round, and thank you Niccolò, Keyon and Ben for all your hard work in putting this together!!! Really looking forward to reading some of the other stories here! 🤩

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Loved your chapter, SDG! Was a pleasure reading through it and some of these other great stories.

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Cheers SDG!

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

Thank you Niccolo, Ben, and Keyon for taking the time to put this all together.

For anyone reading A Drink in Toulon, please note that the full story is now complete. I should have included a link to the Table of Contents for all 7 parts of the story, instead of just part 1.

Here it is for anyone interested: https://cliftonh.substack.com/p/a-drink-in-toulon-a-kip-the-quick

Happy reading! And Write On to all of my fellow writers.

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My to read pile is massive but I will get to these this week. And good to know about some of the criteria you’re using. I was traveling when the last submission deadline came around (you know, after my eyes finally registered it, thanks travel-cold) but I think the time before I submitted the most recent chapter, so I’ll submit chapter 1 next time.

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

Thanks so much for the mention!

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

Wow! and Thank you, Niccolo, Ben, and Keyon! I'm honored to be included with all these great stories and Substackers!!!

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

Awesome selection.

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thanks richard!

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

Thank you, Niccolò! You’re doing such a great job with all this.

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

Thank you for the inclusion, I really appreciate it.

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

Thank you so much for including me, Niccolo! 💜

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

I loved all of these stories but I have to say, a B&B in a library just seems like heaven to me!

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Consider this a virtual B and B Fiona :)

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf, Keyon Hejazi

It certainly feels that way on Substack! I can smell the books :)

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Jun 3Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

You an me both, Fiona! And thank you!

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Jun 5Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

These were fun. Thanks, Niccolo.

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Looks like we're doing the same thing, i.e., sharing things we've read to help connect writers with readers. Bravo!

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