
Can’t wait to see what mythic stories trickle in!

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I like the idea of themed, but on the other paw, some folks are going to end up being really frustrated waiting for the appropriate theme to come along.

That's one of the reasons for my suggestion of alternating issues between a themed one and a general one.

Alternatively - ask people what kind of themes they'd like to see, and/or more importantly how narrow or wide those themes should be.

Mine, for example, is something of a mish-mash, ranging from postmodern conspiracy spy thriller subversive stuff to classic SF. Then again in my main story there is a goddess, but the monsters are kind of human, but I'd never really include it in a 'gods and monsters' issue. So I wouldn't really know where it fitted in. I'm sure I'm not the only one in that regard...

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Good points! Maybe we will do a poll soon. I think yours is close enough to submit btw

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Ah - just thought of another option - obviously 'genres' cover a lot, whereas 'sub-genres' could be perceived as 'themes'. So maybe alternate between 'genre' and 'theme'.

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Hmm. I've been thinking a bit more about whether mine is close enough to submit but I don't think it is. The 'Goddess' and the 'monsters' are only perceived as such (although the main character genuinely believes it, if no one else does) - I mean the 'monsters' are just very recognisable 'real world bad guys' and the Goddess is a voice in her head (from the psychological point of view). There is certainly a kind of internal world fantasy element but it's not traditional fantasy-writing, even if she half-believes she's actually been transported into the underworld - which is more allegorical perhaps. I reckon I will take my chances and wait until a more appropriate themed issue comes along, otherwise people might get a little confused. And we wouldn't want too much cognitive dissonance at this stage of the proceedings...

But yeah - I do think a poll is a good way to go - and perhaps a kind of short discussion article inviting people to post suggestions for themes in the comments. Or people could do that in these comments. Once there's a good list, then we could have a poll. Just thinking out loud tbh...

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Do you want original stories or will reprints be considered?

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Hey David, what exactly do you mean by a reprint? Thanks :)

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A story that was, say, published here on Substack a while ago...

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We’re happy to feature previously published stories. In fact, we only accept stories that currently exist on Substack!

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As long as you wrote it, it doesn’t matter how old it is

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I think themed Blasts is a fantastic idea, it does keep things more focused for readers who are interested in that genre. Although, as others have mentioned, it would probably be good to have a regular 'open theme' as well, so people don't feel they have to wait too long to submit a Horror or whatever. You're doing a great job, though, and this is an amazing project! I've just started a new series of stories where I incorporate Song Titles into the narrative. The latest one features the songs of Green Day, and has a green message! 😎 It's available here, for anyone who is interested: https://chrisjfranklin.substack.com/p/run-the-titles-volume-two

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Jun 19Liked by Niccolò Hilgendorf

While I love that you are doing this and getting writers some new eyes, my writing falls outside the category of short stories. My stories are usually novella length or longer. I'll bow out of the fiction blast and concentrate on my writing.

However, don't despair; I will support your endeavor to the best of my ability. I will restack it to the seven heavens.

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Very noble sir, thank you haha. Indeed an entire novella is hard to proof read, but send something my way and maybe I can get you featured somehow in a special section - this is all sort of in flux still so nothing is set in stone. Don’t want to lose your participation just because you write long form :)

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Um, do I need to resubmit? I sent something in when part 2 came out.

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We got it, no need to resubmit :)

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Ta! Thanks very much!

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Hey Chris, thanks for your input and for sharing a link to your work, I used to listen to a lot of green say so this will be fun for me to read! Very creative idea, I love it

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How do I send in a story? And how many can I send?

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There’s a submission link under the July Submissions section of the post. And one story per submission!

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